Effiecent Database Research for knowledge graph rules - Java

  • My role: Researcher
  • Duration: Jul 2022 - Feb 2023
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Gemulla

Description:Conducted self-initiated research in efficient database technologies for knowledge graph inference and link prediction, supported by Prof. Dr. Rainer Gemulla. Main author of a paper accepted at BTW 2023 conference – the most important database conference in the German-speaking area.

Workshop-Tool - Express JS

Together with 4 other students I developed an app for the student association Integra to offer company workshops to University students. We used a MySQL database and NodeJS and Typescript, HTML and CSS to develop front- and back-end. It is currently used by 1000+ students of the University regularly and hosted in the data centre of our University.

AnyBloks game - Java

  • My role: Developer
  • Duration: Mar 2022 - Aug 2022
  • Team size: 5 team members
  • Organization: University of Mannheim - course project

The game AnyBloks is inspired on the board game blokus and is a desktop app playable alone against Ai or against up to 3 real players that are in your network. Moreover it is also playable with touch screen on tabets. It was developed as a uni project using Java/JavaFX and as SQLite database . It is using different methods for the AI players, for example monte carlo tree search is used for the hardest AI type.

Stock Info & forecast destkop app - Java

  • My role: Developer
  • Duration: Mar 2017 - Jun 2017
  • Organization: Technical University of Dresden - Schülerrechenzentrum

In 8th grade I developed a Java desktop app for displaying stock stock metrics and enabling forecasting. The user could insert different stock tickers getting all relevant metrics and expert evaluations. Moreover with using user expectations of market development the app gave forecasts for probabale stock price developments. The app uses the yahoo finance API.